Comments / Lettering visually lost?

Hi there,
I’m not sure if I’m getting the most out of Marginnote for my own comments. I would like to comment on individual nodes, links or excerpt text snippets in a clearly visible manner (speech bubble or extra-node next to it or stuck to the side of the node?). Be it so that my comment is not visually lost within a node, be it to note something like “Check again here later”, or “I see it differently”. Yes, I could mark a text snippet with special tags like “#checklater” or “#compare_with_xyz”, but this is less useful. And the link-lettering is also visually lost.
What can I do?

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Thank you for your letter. Would you please upload some screenshots or videos describing it in detail? That way I can help you better.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Maybe this picture can describe it better then words. Alternative: How would you realize this with MN?


What do you think of the way to change the color of the card?


Kind Regards,
Support Team

You mean, I should create my own separate directory (on paper?) in which I specify which background color applies to which comment type? (Still researching : light green / dissenting opinion : red / note resubmission at the time of : light blue / XYZ : yellow?). I already use this for some notes to mark (red: very important / blue : not my opinion / green : to do something later with ) and I use different background colors for grouping several document-trees in different colored frameworks. But this is only a workaround.
Do I see it right, that I can only use free floating notes for commenting, which I link with ‘Links’ to the respective note?


You can combine this method, which is to classify by color, so that it looks clearer and more intuitive. Of course, you can also try it boldly. I believe you have this creativity.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Hmmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow: