Edit Notes > disappear after adding written content

In a particular field of my ‘current’ study notes, I have retyped information several times. Each time I complete the notes in the relevant field of my study notes, the information disappears.

It only seems to happen for a particular area/field of study notes page I am working on.

Is there a fix for this?

Have I inadvertently activated a feature in that particular field?

Hello, it may be a problem with iCloud sync, the current version of the sync function is defective, we recommend that you turn off iCloud sync in the system settings and the settings interface of Marginnote3. We are currently redoing the syncing mechanism and expect it to be released in version 3.7.

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Thank you. It fixed itself up. I am having a realy harfd time getting across marginnote. I find features dont really work. I run a macbook pro 2019