How best to archive MarginNote-annotated files?

@Lanco_Support-Team is there a way to be notified when the documentation on extensions is released in English? Looking forward to it!


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Yes,all the ExtsTester numbers will be notified. :grimacing:

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Hi. Is this still being beta-tested? Any release date planned?


Also very interested in OPML support! This would help me so much. Exporting is the biggest pain point for me with MarginNote

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Export to OmniOutliner (under the Export icon) does export to OPML format. While I can naturally see a lot of ways to improve it, the export does at least get it into that format.



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Any new developments?

This is the English version of MarginNote Add-on Development Guide: Introduction | MarginNote Addon Developing Guide (Preview Edition)

Hmmm…… Maybe it’s hard for novice programmers.

I’m from Chinese forum, and here is one inspiring plugin which may provide us a new way to export notes to Obsidian or other Markdown softwares. (Should still be a semi-finished product :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)GitHub - aidenlx/obsidian-bridge: An MarginNote Addon to bridge MarginNote 3 and

And here is the demo video by the Add-on Developer:

Try changing the note color everytime you emphasize a text so you can locate your important notes

You mention Obsidian, but what about database application like DEVONthinkPro?

Part of the reason why I started this forum topic is because of the large export size of MN3’s PDF files…