【Solved】Problems with dark theme


It seems like the dark theme has not been completed.

It seems like the dark theme has not been completed.

I will like to attache some pics but I do not know how.

You can upload any pic. in your device via Safari/Chrome.

By the way, advanced theme support is in our plan list. Welcome for suggests of this.

Oh, Thanks.

… ‘new users can only post one image’…
This is too bothersome. I do not have time for this

I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. We will change this limit soon as it‘s a construction remaining problem.

My E-mail is lancoyan@live.com .You could send suggests to it until the forum changing active.

As you wish, we have change the new user image upload limits up to 10.

I think this is probably the same issue that I have experienced and described here (link).

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Hello again

I was on holiday, but now I’m back,

I deleted the pictures :-/

Here are suggestions for improving the night theme

  1. A lot of menus and things like the keyboard are not affected by the night theme. They should. Everything within the app should be affected by the night theme.

  2. Excerpts in flashcards, mindmaps, in searches and other places they appear should also be affected by the night theme!

  3. When opening the app a MN logo is shown with a white background. When night theme is enabled the background should be dark! Makes sense, right ? :smile:

There are probably a couple of other things which I have forgotten. I will probably remember them as I use the app and rediscover.

Thanks for your suggesting.UI improvements is on schedule of 4.0 in the next year.

Hi ,
Through Team’s efforts, the whole new Marginnote dark mode is coming with IpadOS in release version 3.5 Sep.All the colorway has been discussed and under inner test at present.Thanks for your suggests!

Best regards,
Support Team