Set mind map nodes to be wide by default

I like to write long comments inside my mind map nodes, so the nodes end up being quite tall. I usually fix this by dragging the node to be wider, but it’s quite time consuming to do this for each one. Could an option be added to have all nodes be wide by default?

(Also: is there any easy way to import mind maps from MindNode?)


Hello, Aurelius,
You mean you want the size of note cards is an option?


Yes. If I could set the note card size to be wide by default, that would be great.

Hello, Aurelius,
Thanks for the information provided. I will record it.

any plans in implementing the various default card sizes of mind map nodes , its time consuming to drag the tall nodes to be wider…

I think that update will slow MN (it is already slow at so many process:
like handwriting - binding node, opening and closing child mind maps, after some links… )
just make it after selecting multiple” nodes together not one by one…maybe it helps.


You can select multiple cards and drag the wide together instead of one by one.

I'm sorry the various default card size may not be released. It increases the complexity of MarginNote. Do you always need this feature? Or it differs in different notebooks or for different pdfs.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Any update?:slightly_frowning_face: