Why does Marginnote send request to aip.baidubce.com?

Why does Marginnote send request to aip.baidubce.com?

Does blocking connection to that domain break any functionalities?

I’m kinda concerned about how baidu handle user data and my privacy and data security.

Is does happen only when cloud services open ?

I was using the Mac version. And yes, iCloud Sync was turned on. But it should NOT request that baidu domain.



We use Baidu for online OCR correction and that is why our app is having a connection to Baidu. As far as safety and privacy go, we do think that it is safe to leave this option on. However, if you want to close/block it, the only function you will lose is going to be the OCR correction.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Thanks for the information!

I also wonder how the iOS / iPad version implement the OCR feature.

Is there option to configure MN to use other OCR services?
Now that Users can choose the providers for general search / Q&A sites,
I hope such an option can be added in the future too. :slight_smile:


The iOS/iPad has two OCR services. The first one is offline OCR (OCR Pro feature), and it uses the mobile OCR engine provided by ABBYY. The second one is the online OCR correction, which is provided by Baidu.

The problem with OCR services is that they are not free. Yearly, we pay for the OCR engine, which is actually quite expensive. Therefore, there might be added difficulties in using OCR functions provided by different companies. We hope that this won't bother you too much. Nevertheless, I have added your request to our database, and we will take consideration in adding other services.

Kind Regards,
Support Team