60% Off Upgrade Code for MarginNote 3- Application Guide

Hi I sent an email 1 month ago and follow up again today. Could you please check my email from ***@students.itb.ac.id

Back in September 2020 I asked for the 60% discount but I donā€™t think I used it; at least I still have MarginNote X installed and donā€™t see a receipt from Paddle (although they are terrible for end users to actually recover purchase info from). Iā€™m interested again in upgrading but the coupon code is no longer being accepted. I resent my request mail 4 days ago and havenā€™t had a response. Are these still being given out?

Let me check for you, what is your email address?


Hi, I have sent an email to both service@marginnote.com and support@marginnote.com. Please reply. Thanks.

Hi @admin Could you help me on the request above?

Hi @admins
Iā€™ve sent an email to service@marginnote.com at 2024/03.13. My Email address is k144005x@mails.cc.ehime-u.ac.jp Thank you.