Ability to convert between title and comment using the multi selection menu without an extension

OHMYMN and AUTO TITLE extensions do the purpose.
But including these features in the multi selection menu (as a internal part of the app) would be more suitable as

  1. easy to use.
  2. no crashes.
  3. No risk for data loss.
  4. Easy to give updates via main program.

I use an extension for MN called Switch Title, I almost couldn’t live without it…

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I used it previously to converts from comment to title.
But I want to convert from title to Comment.

It does do that as well :slight_smile:

But it can’t convert multiple nodes once?

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It works one at a time, however, it’s a turn on-turn off thing. While it is on, any node you click will swap title for comment or comment for title. You turn it off to switch out of that mode and just continue working like normal.

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I have already started the translation of the user documentation of ohmymn, but today the adds-on developer told me that he and his plugin is not ready for English support, so the translation of the plugin itself is difficult to start and apply. Need to wait until after he finished the exam(Unified National Graduate Entrance Examination in Dec.). If you want some other batch or auto operation like converting between title and comment, I'd like to show you directly if it's possible by using some known adds-ons.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

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OHMYMN add on is great.
But why can’t you include the title to comment conversion feature as an integral part of the app.



I'm sorry that not many users have this request. So it's hard to implement this idea. We know that this feature will easy your workflow, however,one more feature means there will be more buttons and longer pop-up menus. It's unfair to those who don't need this feature.

My opinion is that user need to be provided with a function to customize their own tool bar, which may make a balance between function and UI.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

“customize their own tool bar“

This is a great idea. Currently customization ability of the app is minimum.
When will you be able to give this customization ability to the app.

I feel writing in this forum is useless (waste of time).
I have requested many features from 2019 that can be useful for many users and none of them is accomplished.
Why MN team is scare to accomplish even useful customizations requested by users.

OhMyMN (English version) is already available : 【MN Official Add-on】Ver4.1.1: OhMyMN, the MarginNote addon development framework, is also a toolbox that can process excerpts automatically