Aliases or alternate names or synonyms

Hi, I would like to suggest a feature request that can be very useful in my opinion as a medical researcher.
The feature is called “Alias” in one of the note taking apps called remnote.

It basically means adding a dictionary of sorts where a word can have alternate names. for eg.
in medicine, the term “Myocardial infarction” also means “Cardiac arrest” or simply “Heart attack” in some countries.

Similarly, there are so many synonyms. There should be a separate database of a “synonym” directory where we can manually add such synonyms. The advantage is if we search that particular word it can also show the search results containing its synonym.




Thank you very much for your suggestion. How would you like to look up synonyms through an external dictionary?

Kind Regards,
Support Team

A database or dictionary will be used to save the synonyms, our own custom synonyms

Marginnote should consider that in search

For eg if If i add cardiac arrest = heart attack

If i search cardiac arrest in margin, then heart attack should show up and the opposite too.


Thank you for writing in. I have raised your request to our Development team but we cannot assure a time frame when it will be put into effect. Please feel free to contact us again if you need any assistance and we will be happy to provide further help.

Kind Regards,
Support Team