Allow Opening From ~/Library/Containers/QReader.MarginStudyMac/Data/Documents/ Without Reimport

My MarginNote directory (~/Library/Containers/QReader.MarginStudyMac/Data/Documents/) is indexed with my DEVONthink database. When opening a file from this directory using DEVONthink or Finder, MarginNote reimports the file in the last directory browsed in the MarginNote file explorer.

It would be nice to open books from ~/Library/Containers/QReader.MarginStudyMac/Data/Documents/ without MarginNote making an unnecessary copy of them.


Running chflags -R uchg ~/Library/Containers/QReader.MarginStudyMac/Data/Documents resolves this issue.

To add new files, run chflags -R nouchg ~/Library/Containers/QReader.MarginStudyMac/Data/Documents, add them, then run the first command again to lock them.

Thanks so much for putting this together, @ringmaster555. I’m trying to imagine how this inter-app workflow would work. Any chance you could share any screenshots? Thanks!

So, in DEVONthink I’ve got project folders for articles and documents. When I clip articles and documents, I then triage their importance with labels (Urgent , High , Medium).

I open these articles and documents in MarginNote, and then I start annotating them in Study mode. Here’s an example of what that folder structure looks like…

A. Project X
B. Project Y

So, would your approach work for this file structure in MarginNote’s Study mode? If so, how so? Or does it just work in MarginNote’s Document mode? Thanks!