App Store Pricing

Hey, MarginNote Team

The pricing for the Mac App Store version seems off. It is £48.99 on the Mac App Store but only £33.50 via Fastspring.

Please can you let me know why there is such a big difference in price?


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Yep, I second that, quite pricey too.
It’s the equivalent of £40 from my MAS.

The notability app is the same price for iOS and Mac, hoping that it would be the same for this awesome app too.

Fastspring pricing is the educational discount pricing. 40% off.

A couple notes on the “high price”…

PDF Expert is the defacto PDF markup tool on iOS and Mac. On the Mac, it’s $79.99. MarginNote can do what PDF Expert does, x100. Considering this is a 1 time purchase, and how well MarginNote works, even $50 is cheap for such a unique productivity tool. We can start complaining if/when MarginNote becomes a subscription (although we’d expect more and quicker updates as a result).

MarginNote is well worth the money. I am simply wondering if the discrepancy between FastSpring and the App Store is intentional.


Yep - when I bought MarginNote 3 with an educational discount, it was via fastspring (~$26).

Hi Jun, for now we have 3 venues for MarginNote 3 on Mac:

  1. Mac AppStore version. No device limit, providing in-app-purchase.
  2. Official Licensed version. Using fastspring as checkout platform. This version is cheaper than that of the Mac AppStore one in that it can only be used to activate 2 devices.
  3. Setapp. Subscribers of Setapp now have access to the Mac version as well.

Support Team

Thank you for explaining the differences. Also, it’s great to see Setapp is an option.

After my complaining above and the list of options suggested to use the Mac app,
I eventually went with the SetApp option.

To be honest there’s only a few of the apps from the subscription I’ll be making use of though MN3 is the main reason it even became an option to look at.

Please tell me it’s not going to become a subscription??? I’ll ditch it if it is.

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