I discovered video excerpts capability recently and feel in love with it. Today I discovered that I can play video in an excerpt by tapping the video. I have excerpts that are longer than one minute. I need to easily move forward and backward in time to dictate the speech. The time controller is very small. It is difficult to scrub forward or backward. Several times while trying to move the time controller I actually moved to the next or previous excerpt. Please make the handle bigger for the video time controller for excerpts.
I agree. There is a nice transcription tool called f4transkript
It displays a waveform for the audio while the video plays. It offers lots of hotkeys to manage the video and add he said/she said information to a transcript.
It would be nice if we could listen to a podcast or video in MarginNote 3 (MN3) and be able to have the same flexibility.
Do you think this type of functionality could be built as a plugin for MN3?
I would also like a silence detector that would auto-split the videos and then let me choose if I want to merge certain sections. I found a nice shell script split_by_silence_kf.sh that lets me take an mp4 file and turn it into a bunch of tiny mp4s. It works well. When you have the split files, you can then load them all into your MN3 (on OSx at least, not sure if iOS has a way to do this) and you get a grid with all the videos. Then you can more easily navigate and pull out sections from the smaller split videos. Perhaps this will help while we wait for a developer to work on a nicer way to control video with the keyboard and type notes at the same time?