[BUG] Failure to Change Order of Excerpts in Flashcard + Automatic Prioritisation of Excerpts Only In Selected Mindmaps

Possible bug identified: button for changing excerpt order only in selected mindmaps + non-adjustable automatic ordering of excerpts in front of original comment at cards

Or any workarounds for placing the comments as the first priority in cards are welcomed!

Current Problem/scenario:

  1. There is a card with title and comment at the mindmap section of marginnote.

  2. Excerpt is added as the child of the card

  3. Non-adjustable automatic ordering puts the newly added excerpt in front of the original comment.

  4. No button at the newly added except (circled in screenshot), cannot put the original comment before the except.

However, this scenario does not happen at all documents - take the sample mindmap from Marginnote 4 as an example.

  1. Same card with title and comment in the mindmap section of Marginnote

  2. Excerpt is added as the child of the card, same as above

  3. After dragging the excerpt (child) into the card, the excerpt is automatically placed after the comment (VS excerpt is automatically placed at first before the comment)

  4. Button for ordering of excerpts/comments is available at the newly added excerpt, I could change the order of excerpt and comments as I wish (VS no button available, excerpt automatically set as the first comment of the card)

Please change your settings in the upcoming update so comments could be placed at the first order in cards in all documents, rather than non-adjustable automatic ordering of the excerpt as first.

Interestingly, at the very same personal mindmap (not the sample mindmap from MN4), there were no automatic ordering of excerpts, and comments were allowed to be placed first in the cards before the excerpt. Suddenly (without any change in feature), automatic excerpt ordering applied and the button for excerpt ordering disappeared. Is this a bug?

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