Bug: Merge converts title to comments

When merging two notes together, the title becomes a comment (‘Observability’ in the example below):
Before comment:

After merging:

Please can this be fixed soon?

:neutral_face:Not sure soon or not. Cause fix order is sort by severity. But it has added to bug list.

By changing idea with Dev. ,merge mechanism is always like this for fear two tiles in merged cards. Maybe you have to re-assign tile after merge.

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Thanks for the response, Lanco.

I can understand the concern with multiple notes that have titles. I think the title should be set to the first note to be merged.

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Dear Lanco

This bug still appears to be unfixed. It is a bit odd, as previously merge worked fine, where the title of the first note was the title of the merged note. This seems to be a regression.

Previously merge worked fine?Sorry, I don’t notice it.

Which do you mean?The previous version is 3.4.x or 2.x?

Yes, it used to work fine and I believe this changed around August 7th when I first raised this bug.

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Hi, by exchanging ideas with Dev., we confirm the Reassign of Title in merged excerpts only works when merge info through dragging one card to another at present.

I’m wonderring to suggest the team adding the function of Make-Title-only mode to adjust the excerpts only filling-in the title filed. And what’s your opinion upon this? What’s the function application scenarios in your workflow?

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Dear Lanco

This bug still exists. Is there any chance of it being fixed?