When working in Study mode on Note files, within the Outline view, it seems that MarginNote creates a default parent (or indented note) of the Note title, and then the annotations become children that fall under that Note-title parent.
It also seems that subsequent user annotations are organized and displayed, by default, in “Sort by create date” (i.e., the order that they were made); not “Sort by page order” (i.e., where they actually exist in the order of a given file).
I’ve found this problematic for various reasons, and so I have to regularly select all annotated notes in the Outline view, and then select “Sort by page order.” But every time I do so, I have to first de-selection the Note-title parent and delete it so that it doesn’t disorder the annotated notes.
I understand that the Note-title parent is used to group all of the annotated notes that fall beneath it when a MarginNote notebook contains two or more documents. That’s reasonable. Still, I feel that @marginnote (or @Relight_Support-Team) should consider a way to fix the way that users can:
Select “Sort by page order” as a default option under preferences (and/or select Documents / Notes) and …
Provide a way that Note-title parents don’t reappear each time users create new annotations – especially after deleting Note-title parents the first time. Again, I recognize the organizational utility of such Note-title parents, but find them to be troublesome when trying to simply order my notes by “Sort by page order”
Thank you for considering this request.