Cancel my account


I need to cancel my account for marginnote, because I don’t need the app anymore.


which app are yoou using now

Marginnote 3

instead margin note , which app you are using now

No app. I don’t need anything. Please let me know how to cancel my account

What do you mean “cancel” account. Are you subscribed to something? Do you need to cancel a subscription? Are you seeking to remove your personal data through GDPR? When one doesn’t need an app, one just stop using it usually.

Need to cancel my subscription before the trial period ends. I don’t need the app, but I can’t find where to cancel it.

If it’s a subscription on an apple device then you can do that on iOS through App Store→Profile (your avatar icon in top right)→Subscriptions, and you can cancel from there. If on a Mac you can cancel subscriptions by going to system settings→your Apple ID section>media and purchases→Subscriptions: Manage. You can probably do it through the App Store as well but I didn’t feel like typing in my password to check for you.