Copyright content ⚖️ on MN video

For example I want to make a video from my notes on MN (with screenshot)
And Let’s say I am using different resources that I added my notebook, e book (copyrighted) parts to make my notes it more explainable and rich (captured document pieces).

Is it banned or illegal to record that type of video because of copyright of these e books ? Even if I am using only part of page, Lıke we do on MN (for example I am taking table from that e book page to mind map as a capturing process and YouTube see that action)

And second but similar question
Let’s say I am recording video on mind map again but this time I am taking that table from internet (while the screenshot is keep going, so every watcher could see where I get from that table ) via the process I search from google ?

We frequently use that two actions for making richer our notes
MN app is almost based on these two actions thankfully
But what about making video with two action
is it legal or not ?

I am asking here because I want to make a educational video to YouTube from MN

IANAL but you should look up “fair use” if you want to learn more from those who know. What about creating sample ‘dummy’ documents to use rather that using copyrighted material?

Could you explain more dummy content. ? Thank you for reply

By dummy, I mean you can use lorem ipsum text ( and dummy images ( and create some 3 or 4 page documents that you use to demonstrate use. That way you don’t run the risk of using anything copyrighted.

Alternatively, you can use one of your papers to demo things, that is if you’ve written any that would be good examples.

I can create a 3 or 4 page dummy document if you’d like so you can see exactly what I mean. It should only take about 5 minutes to make one.

It ll be helpful thank you. :innocent:

I want to ask you another question.
How about; taking table from medical site (for example wep md, medscape…) and also taking the link of that page to under video (comment section). And all watchers and YouTube community see that action.

Is this process helps for saving from copyright thing ?

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The answers you get here regarding potential copyright violations have no legal grounding. Unless of course one of our users happens to be a lawyer and even then there are restrictions about the nature of legal advise they can offer.

A good first step for you is to understand “fair use”. It sounds to me like what you want to do falls under that but again, IANAL so no evaluation of mine is worth listening to. You’ll have to make your own evaluation.

Here is a simple example dummy document.

Dummy.pdf (94.4 KB)


We are also not quite sure about the consequences of doing so, but we'd love to hear the final result as to if it is legal or not.

For our own tutorials, just to be cautious, we always use the PDFs that do not relate to any copyrights.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

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