Creating new documents in a Notebook in MarginNote & exporting

I’ve been using MarginNote for a little while now and back when I used MarginNote 3 I used to use document layers to split my notebook into assignments for ease of exporting to pdf for printing. I’ve found that this is a bit clunky with MarginNote 4 though because unlike MarginNote 3 which resets the number of pages in a document when creating a new document or i.e. layer, MarginNote 4 keeps the number of pages of the previous document layer when creating it. This is a bit tedious, because let’s say one of my previous assignments was 20 pages long. If I say, create a new document/layer and only use a single page, I still have 19 blank additional pages which will always be exported for a single page assignment. Don’t get me wrong, I can fix this with a PDF manager but it’s quite a tedious thing to have to do. Is there no way around having all those blank pages on additional pages?

Additionally though, I think there should be options when exporting to flattened pdf that should be implemented. These options would not be for this specifically, but could help too, and should certainly be implemented on an update rather than a new iteration of the app which would most likely be years from now. What I mean by this is that there should be a way of choosing what pages to export to pdf, as well as choosing the image quality of the pdf. Currently exporting to pdf is FAR too space costly with several megabytes of space being required for exporting. I totally understand why this image quality could be wanted when looking at how much we can zoom in, but there should also be an option to export a lower quality pdf when we don’t require such detailed zoom capabilities and are simply creating handwritten documents of normal font size. And being able to choose what pages are exported should also simply be a given, I mean look at how web-browsers export a pdf, they always ask for the pages you wish to export and don’t simply just export them all in full, because chances are you may not always need all of them, especially when looking at how layers is currently implemented in MarginNote 4 which differs from MarginNote 3.