I just discovered this feature, which is new to me ;-DD.
I am studying for an official exam in spain and I have 71 units or themes to study. I got all the info, PDF, downloaded on MN3. I have already read it all and made my excerpts on the mind map. But I need to write my own stuff.
I created a new notebook with all my notes by adding blank pages on each unit of my classes. And here is where I handwrite all my resumes of each unit.
Hold on - I just tried this on iOS and my only 2 options were to add a blank page or a lined page to the PDF. Is it possible to add graph paper as shown above, or as that added outside of MarginNote?
I just added a graph paper PDF I found on internet just as you’d do with regular books. And then began to make a summary of the mind map.
What’s strange is that if you add that same page to a second mind map, you begin with a new blank page, but they pile app… It is strange, better try it for yourself.