Disable auto create text (group) note from file

Hi I currently working with a text book which has some audio files (seperated).
I imported the text book and add some notes.
If I now import a audio by drag it from files app to the margin note app it ever time creates a text (group) note and rearrange the view. This is very distracting. How can I disable it. (Only for imports).
The auto add to Mindmaps feature if I use the lasso in my pdf is fine (I also tried to disable it but the text notes are always created). Is it possible to just disable it (it would be nice to keep auto add to mind map feature if I use my lasso tool)


Hi, currently there is no option in MarginNote to disable auto create a text note after importing a file to a mindmap. The Auto Add to Mindmap option only works on the excerpts manually created by users when using the lasso or other note-taking tools on the documents. We have recorded your feedback and really appreciate your suggestion.

Kind Regards,

Support Team