I am a user who upgraded from MarginNote 3 to MarginNote 4. While I am satisfied with the usability on the iPad, I am dissatisfied with certain aspects of usability on macOS and iOS, and I would like to request improvements.
First, in the macOS version used on MacBook, the process of zooming in and out of the Mindmap screen with the mouse is reversed, causing inconvenience. In MN3, when using Cmd + mouse scroll, scrolling the wheel up would zoom out, and scrolling the wheel down would zoom in. However, for some reason, this is reversed in MN4. I am curious why this change was made, and I believe it needs urgent improvement.
Second, the usability of the iOS version on mobile phones has significantly deteriorated. In particular, the fact that the Search function and Contents & Bookmarks have been removed from the main toolbar and now require an additional tap to access is a major issue. Moreover, the new window that slides up from the bottom during this process is too small. It becomes very difficult to search and navigate through the contents using such a small area, which is less than half of the screen.
One more thing: by default, the Index in Contents & Bookmarks is fully expanded. I am wondering if there is an option to change this default to a collapsed state. If this is not possible, I would like to inquire whether this aspect can be improved.