Do I need to buy mac version if I already have a ipad pro version of MarginNote3

I already bought marginnote 3 on IPAD pro, if I want to use it on my mac, do I need to purchase again on MAC, or can I reuse the license?

Yes, you will need to purchase MarginNote 3 for the Mac separately or use the SetApp subscription.

The Mac app is separate from the iOS app as it’s deemed as an app for a different platform…

Thanks, Where can I find more information about SetApp subscription?

Here you can find all the information you need …

way too expensive.
Already purchased on ipad the license should be able to share across at least one other device.
I respect the patent, efforts involved, this is a great app but not going this far.

For every app that supplies both iPad and Mac versions with a single price, I can find dozens of them that don’t. Want a single price for iPad and Mac? Prepare to pay for a subscription rather than a flat fee.

Given the use I’ve gotten out of MarginNote I have to say that this is one of the most economically sound apps I’ve ever purchased. DevonThink is perhaps the only app that comes close to matching it, and by the way they too have an iPad and a Mac app that have to be purchased separately. As does LiquidText, ZoomNotes, OmniFocus, OmniOutliner…well, pretty much every other app I use except those that require a subscription.

I’m not saying that it’s a perfect world but I think your expectations are a bit unrealistic.

Edit: of course with the new chip architecture in the new Macs there is less and less justification for two development paths and companies WILL start having single purchases for iOS and MacOS platforms but I wouldn’t expect that to happen immediately for many companies.