I recently discovered Compendium.
This is basically a mind-mapping software with very innovative ideas about wicked problems and how to adress them. This is also a quite old open source soft that looks not supported anymore. (want to install it? prepare for hard work…)
However, there is many ideas in it that MarginNote team might (should) be inspired by.
In particular, they distinguish 3 kinds of relationships:
- Associative: It is basically what we do by linking two notes in MN3
- Categorical: This is what we do using same tag for various notes
- And Transclusive. This is new. This is the shift. I’ve found no recent software enabling to draw that kind of links (except Compendium ofc).
I’d like to be able to explain how strong is the potential of this concept but I think these few pages would do it better: Issue Mapping & Dialogue mapping
Compendium has nothing in common with MN3, except mapping. But I’m 100% sure that MN3 could learn a lot with Compendium.
I would be happy to hear what you guys think about that.