Does anyone share their MarginNote docs? Advice?

I have some people I’m collaborating with that I am considering sharing my marginnote files with. Ideally, though, it would be great if I didn’t have to worry about sync. I’m not sure if this is viable with MarginNote, especially since there’s no Dropbox support. I’m pretty sure I could actually share the files via iCloud, but no rollback makes me a little wary of letting others potentially edit the same file.

Has anyone done this? If so, how did you do so?

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Any updates here? Collaboration features would really completely change the way I could use this app

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Hi asdf,

Currently, based on the Airdrop and Manage–Relink, MN could realize some kind of Collaboration. We will make a Guide about it within a week.

Support Team

Please do keep me posted, that would be great!

any updates @Lanco_Support-Team?

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The whole wiki is already prepared in staffs’ forum, waiting to be published. You will see in this weekend.

Have a nice day!

Thanks @Lanco_Support-Team - can’t find the link to it, mind referencing to this thread so others can see it?

Hello, asdf

Thanks for your continuing attetion. Here is the link: We invite everyone to participate in this project and you are expected to share your ideas and get other peoples’ idea there. Thanks!

Best Regards!

Please check the backup related paragraph. MN has its own format which keeps information best and very suitable for MN Docs share.

The wiki may not enough clear about backup potential usage. Marginpkg files are the best way to share with other users and this is what I want to point out.

Support Team

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