Duplication of documents on adding or removing pages to a pdf

Whenever , i am adding a page or removing a page from a document in mn3. It keeps creating several copies of the document? Is it by design or a bug. If its by design how do i turn it off?

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It is probably (hopefully) a bug. Moreover one should really make this page reordering etc. faster. I don‘t know whether other devices have that problem, too but it is a pain to shift pages around. I usually copy the document to another app do the reshuffling there and copy it back because this is much faster than waiting 5s for each operation.


Do we lose the annotations or excerpts made on MN3 by this method of exporting and reimporting?


Hello, at present it is because of the implementation of the PDF kit, it will be adjusted later. There is a problem of misplaced excerpts when importing after external inserts, unless it is a new note, it is not recommended.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Hope to get this fixed soon. Thanks for the response

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Please fix this serious bug in the next update. Its breaking the whole experience. I get it import and export and reimport from another app is difficult to fix.

But why do MN3 KEEP CREATING COPIES of the same document everytime I add or remove a page within MN3 itself. Its weird. Now i have 10 copies of the same document as I added pages from within marginnote itself. Have not used any external app.
Please see this video

  1. there are only two documents,
  2. I add a page.
  3. when i go back a copy of the document is created. One before the page was added, another after the page is added,
  4. so i have 3 documents in that folder instead of the previous 2.
  5. this doesnt happen everytime. Sometimes only a rename happens.

Atleast plz give a confirmation whether this will be fixed in next update?


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Hello, this will take some time to update and optimize.

Thank you for writing in. I have raised your request to our Development team but we cannot assure a time frame when it will be put into effect. Please feel free to contact us again if you need any assistance and we will be happy to provide further help.

Kind Regards,
Support Team