Excerpt last X seconds or minutes prior to current position


I would like to request a feature that would increase usability when excerpting from audio or video.

Context / Use Case

Currently, when the audio/video contains something useful, I need to do the following steps:

  • Pause playback
  • Scroll back on the timeline
  • Select starting position of excerpt
  • Drag to end position

This is perfectly fine in cases where I really care about getting the start and end position exactly right for the excerpt.

However, sometimes I just want to create an excerpt that contains the relevant section and it does not matter if it is a bit too large. In these cases, I want to mark the section as relevant but continue watching/listening without interruption.

Feature Request
It would be very practical if there were buttons or maybe hotkeys, which would make it possible to simple create an excerpt for the past 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes etc (relative to the current position in the audio/video).

The user would just select the button to create an excerpt, but the playback would continue without interruption.

Thanks for considering.

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Can you please explain your needs and usage scenarios with screenshots? This is more conducive to our understanding of your needs! Thank you!

Kind Regards,

Support Team

I understand why you need screenshots for bugs, but in this case I feel my description should be sufficiently clear to understand the feature request.

If some aspect is unclear please let me know, happy to provide further thoughts.

However, I don’t have time to create a full mockup of the feature. Sorry