Export Crashing iPad

Hello There!

I have an iPad 6 2018 (not Pro), and using MarginNote 3 for my phd. The app is incredible, and everybody I show the functionalities wants to buy a iPad for use it.

However, I’m having trouble in the exportation tool. I have a Study Note with 67 papers (average 7 pages), with 1347 excerpts. The large majority is from text selection tool but there are some figures too. Some of them has comments and links, none of them has handwritten notes.

I’m trying to export the mind map, and only it suffices me, as I want to print or view in a Windows PC with larger screen. The outline or the margin notes are not important in this work. When I select to export all notes, with only the mindmap selected, the app load some time and then crash. When I select to export the hole map to Evernote, an error occur [EDAMUserException(errorCode:6,parameter:“Note.size”)].

There is any workaround?

Thank you everyone!