Feature Request - Google Drive Support

I have 100GB+ of books on Google Drive that I do not have disk space to store locally. It would be wonderful to remotely access books in MarginNote from Google Drive.


:wink:We will try to support webdav.

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That would be much appreciated. When do you think the webdav feature will be available? :slightly_smiling_face:

We have to match up Apple’s policy of IpadOS adaptation currently like Sidecar, dark mode, pencilkit, metal2 etc. Performance and power consumption optimize is the primary work to do in Sep. ( by support of Defragmentation and database structure adjustment).

Features like auto-backup ( google drive sdk or webdav) will be under development earliest in Oct.


Hi Marginnote, thank you for the awesome app. I’m aware that the Margin Note 3 on Mac OS is available now. Any news on webdav sync support? Thank you.

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Hi guys,
I’m considering using your app. It looks nice!
Any updates on Google drive sync support (or other cloud storages)?



Sorry, third-party cloud services are not supported yet.

Kind Regards,
Support Team