Handwritten text in nodes - view in outline?

If I write text on my source PDF and excerpt it to the mindmap, the handwritten text is visible in my outline, and I can edit my mindmap easily in outline view (my preferred way to work). If I write text directly on the mindmap and then turn it into a node by circling it or using a selection box, I can integrate it into the mindmap, merge it with other nodes, or make it a child node as usual. However, the handwritten text in nodes created this way is NOT visible in my outline. The outline shows a node, and shows its relationship to other nodes correctly, but it is blank (no visible handwritten text). Am I doing something wrong, or is this how it is supposed to work? It is not possible to edit the mindmap in outline mode if I cannot see the handwriting and have no idea what’s in that node.

Thanks for any help! I’m hoping there’s a control I’ve missed.


Can you please try to expand your outline? To do so, just use two fingers and zoom out on the outline interface. Handwritings would not show when notes are zoomed in.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Yes, it is expanded. No problem with the hand-written notes excerpted from the PDF but handwriting made on the canvas and turned into nodes is NOT visible in the outline. The node creates a blank item/line on the outline, but no writing is visible.

Should my handwriting produced in this way (write on canvas, convert it to a node) be visible in the Outline?
Or is this the proper/intended behavior of MN3, and if I want my handwriting to be visible in the Outline I need to write on the PDF and then excerpt it to the mindmap?


Hi! Just double check with you: Make sure that the outline is expanded to its full length. It works fine for me.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Thank you for this. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling.

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