How best to archive MarginNote-annotated files?

Dear @Lanco_Support-Team , I’m sorry for my late reply to your post. Honestly, I did not notice that you posted a reply to me, however it seems that @jprint and other users have articulated our desires better than I could have explained it myself. I feel like he summed it up perfectly, and I would follow his lead.

I think I speak for many other users by saying that we’re looking for both kind of archive file options that you (and others) have mention on this thread; that would be ideal.

Furthermore, I’d make the following points as you complete this feature:

  • Is @marginnote expecting that users ought to keep their documents and notebooks on the iCloud in perpetuity so that they can make use of the URLs and other features? Or should we have to use yet another pricey third-party software that would enable us to do so? I challenge @marginnote and @Support-Team to consider these questions in formulating an approach to archiving MarginNote-annotated files;

  • One point that @jprint did NOT raise is the prohibitively large size of MarginNote-annotated PDFs. I believe other users have raised this concern in the forum, but it bears repeating – especially as you’re formulating an approach to archiving MarginNote-annotated files. After all, the files come into MarginNote as PDFs, and my colleagues and I are hoping that MarginNote-annotated files can be exported as reasonable sized PDFs and still enable users to use MarginNote features, e.g., the MarginNote-created URLs;

  • Forgive me for repeating this, but I think I speak for many users when I say that part of our concern about MarginNote files is that the export formats are still quite problematic. I understand you and your co-workers are working hard to improve and repair many MarginNote features, but this remains one of the most frustrating and pernicious problems that we face. Quite simply, many of us cannot yet use the export files given the various formatting problems that they create;

Thank you.

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