Ok, I think I’d refer back to an earlier post in which I said said the following…
I think that sums up the answer to your format - features question. I’d also add one important point: beyond including a CSV or Tab-delim exports and an UID in MarginNote-annotated files – and, by extension, the notes they create – MN users are desperately want the existing file exports to work. Right now, almost all of the MN3-export files are clunky and problematic, and require quite a bit of clean up.
In fact, I’ve been working with developers in OmniOutliner, iThoughtsX, Tinderbox, DEVONthink, TextSoap, etc., etc. – all of whom have been working hard to fix and clean up MN3-export files ! I say this not be hard on you guys, but in trying to help you understand how much work we’re doing to remediate the MN3-export files so that we can use them properly.
Happy to explain further if you’d like – or you can just refer to my earlier posts about these concerns.