How to add document folders to a study mind map?

I’ve gone ahead and added all my PDFs to a folder in the documents section. I go to the study section and create a new study project. OK, now I want to add all the documents that are in that folder I added them too. But how do I do that? When I click on Manage in the Study project (mind map screen) I see a list of ALL my documents. How can I see the folders I create, select the folder and have all of those documents be added to this study project?

At the very least when I click on Manage I would like to see the documents grouped by folders but seems they are ALL mixed in. Is there a way to view them by folders so I can easily select the ones I want?

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I usually add them in one category [document mode] … then in [study mode] I add the keyword used for naming the category in the search box and it gives me the List of documentS underlying that category only…
Try this and good luck with you study :+1:t2:

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Don’t think of them as folders, they are tags. If you think of them as tags then that might be helpful. The UI can be deceiving at times but alas, it is just a tool. Thanks for the detailed report.