I love Marginnote for its versatility but it sometimes lacks a better UI and things have to be done manually all the time, which is somewhat tiring.
When I import multiple documents in one mind map, Sometimes things will overlap and make it ugly. Thankfully, there is ‘rearrange’ button that makes everything clean but now I have to click it every time I make a long addition to some mind map nodes and it seems like there is definitely room for improvement.
Sometimes it is needed to let people arrange things manually to their personal tastes. I get that. But some people like me just want a clean rearrangement without having to click ‘rearrange’ every time. IT would be nice to have an option for that. It’s just a toggle for the already existing feature so it wouldn’t be too challenging development-wise but it will definitely boost up Marginnote’s usability.
MN 4.0 !
Can’t wait. MN takes up to 90% of my screen time so MN update is like an official Apple update for me.
I bought my $500 iPad just to use MN. However I didn’t know this wonderful app existed until last year. Partly because I was originally a Android & Windows user and didn’t own any Apple product, but even that considered, MN seriously lacks public awareness. Unlike overrated Goodnotes, which is installed on every Apple devices on store, MN is undervalued imo. Hope you guys top your previous success with MN 4.0
Hi Lanco, I’ve been using MN4 and amazed how better it got.
However, I noticed that this is still not implemented in MN4 as promised.
Seems like this could be another improvement from MN3 if MN dev team have some time to implement.
It’s just like a simple macro. Once the card edit is done in the mind map, automatically call “rearrange” as if the user has clicked it manually.
Please note that it should NOT change the order of the mind map card location that the user has specified. It should only solve the problem with overlapping mindmap cards/framework(group) since that’s obviously something no one wants to see.