Lots of issues editing cards in MN4.0.7 on macOS

The card editor features in MN 4.0.7 on macOS 14.5 is much worse than the feature was on MN 3.

  • Unlike the mobile version, we cannot permanent set the editor to use markdown.
  • Selecting “Markdown” in the Edit menu give no visual clue that markdown has actually been activated. Most of the time, activating Markdown does nothing at all.
  • Pasting plain text from another source (from the clipboard) into a card results in that text being pasted as tiny tiny text.
  • There is not a working “undo” feature in the card editor
  • Pasted text is often garbled, with blocks of text being moved around by MN so that the pasted text is out of sequence
  • Unlike all other macOS apps, there is no Edit > Paste and Match Style command in MN 4 – this would help to eliminate several of the problems listed above

The release notes for the recent update in the App Store to this MN 4.0.7 version implied that some of these editing problems were fixed. That was not true.

After waiting years, and then agreeing to pay a good amount of money for MN 4, it’s unpleasant to find that the app is full of regressions and bugs. Perhaps the developer has no money to pay someone to test the software before it is pushed to customers?

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The latest version has a long list of bug fixes. I’ve not compared it to your list however when using the latest version on my Mac (13.6.7) I am seeing the following:

It appears that once markdown has been set on a card, it switches to markdown mode whenever editing that card. The markdown setting sticks, and when that card is selected the “markdown” indicator is shown at the bottom of the screen (replacing the styling edit bar).

Perhaps you mean that you want Markdown to default for new cards. I’m at a loss there. The Edit→Markdown command is disabled when selecting multiple cards as well so one cannot ‘batch’ set all cards to Markdown.

This could be due to the fact that only card content, and only text content, can be set to Markdown.

I’ve not used Markdown within MarginNote as it is simply an excerpting tool in my workflow so apologies for not having a full grasp of the feature.

See above. I don’t know what sort of indication you are expecting. I did see the style bar change to a markdown bar whenever selecting a markdown enabled card.

I did not see this in the previous version (pasting from Obsidian) nor do I see it in the current version (same use case) but one of the reported fixes in the new version was a fix to the pasting code.

I do not see this when editing text in either the card on the mindmap or the card when opened into the editor. Undo is always available. Perhaps you are doing something different?

Truly weird behaviour that I’ve never seen, though I don’t paste text a lot. I did some experimenting and never saw this happen. Perhaps narrow it down and of course MN will want a video of it happening.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Though I prefer the older and phased out “paste unstyled text”, you are absolutely correct in saying that this should be in the App.

Thank you. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to reply, truly. Perhaps someone who has used the markdown features would want to reply?


Can you please explain your needs and usage scenarios with screenshots? This is more conducive to our understanding of your needs! Thank you!

Kind Regards,

Support Team