Hello everyone! I just bought Marginnote3. Unfortunately I have a problem opening a pdf of 133mb. The app can only read the first two pages, then crash and turn off. I tried several times and tried to save the file on icloud or locally on Ipad but nothing, the problem continues to exist.
Device: Ipad 2018. How can I solve it? thanks
Hello Maria.mr,
Welcome to the MarginNote Forum, I’m sorry that these crashes bring you inconvenience and bad product experience.
Could you please tell me your iOS version on your iPad 2018? If you update the version to ios13.2, flashbacks will be greatly reduced.
By the way, if your iPad has indeed updated to iOS13.2, please change your pdf render engine to another one(just for temporary emergency) and send us your crash logs.
The steps to share with us the logs >>>https://forum.marginnote.com/t/crashes-within-minutes-with-pdf-and-epub/348/3
And the picture below is about how to change engine render machine.
Please inform us about the results!
MN Support Team
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