MarginNote 3.7.5 (Mac) Documents file browser not updating --- also sorting for "Recent" is now weird

So basically before this update (I just updated within the past hour), I was using MarginNote this way:

  1. I have Zotero automatically have all its PDFs under a folder in my MarginNote library (under Data/Documents inside the MarginNote folder container). Named “ZoteroSync”. So basically, if I open this folder via Finder I just see a list of all the PDFs.
  2. So when a new file gets added to this “ZoteroSync” folder (Zotero automatically puts attachments there), I close MarginNote. Open MarginNote again. And then the new file is the top-most of the “Recent” list.
  3. I can now open this new document as usual.

What happens now after the update is:

  1. I do the same as the above Step 1.
  2. However, Step 2 fails. The document list for MarginNote doesn’t update. Finder shows the new PDFs are where they should be (Inside ZoteroSync).
  3. And also, the “Recents” list look odd — the documents weren’t arranged this way before the update (I was actively using MarginNote at the time). Referencing with the Finder view, the timestamps were the same (basically files were last modified and created months ago), but they somehow are nearer on top. I haven’t opened these files on MarginNote as well (or so I think).

What I think the bug is:
MarginNote not refreshing its files database on load? Before it seems to re-scan the folders. Or something is going wonky here since even the “Recents” of my document lists are affected.

I hope this bug gets fixed, or a solution can be advised for me! This workflow really suited my needs for using it with Zotero.

MN Version: 3.7.5
OS: Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7


Thank you for your bug report.

I have forward this to our developer team and we will look into it shortly.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind Regards,
Support Team