I’ve run the “Check for updates…” on my Mac version of MarginNote 3 3.1.4 several times. It goes through the whole process of downloading, extracting and “installing” the update – but never actually installs it.
I’ve also tried downloading MarginNote 3 from the website and App Store, but it doesn’t appear to be for version 3.1.4.
Looks like this same problem is happening with the latest version of MarginNote (Mac) v. MarginNote 3 3.1.6 – it’s update, but never actually installs the update after extraction.
Got it. Thanks! I’ve used that work around solution in the past – sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Anyway, I mostly wanted to alert you about it. Thanks again…
On my end I’m getting the following dialog message when I execute “Check for Update” I decided to manually replace the application with the current version, 3.1.6. Both the previous versions and the current version are both located in the Applications folder. Not sure why I am getting this message. Thanks for the consideration!