Mindmap in study

Allow to create standalone mindmaps to start with , without the need to have a primary document
This could be really helpful
And will replace third party mindmap apps
MN 3 already allows mind maps
Why not standalone?

What does stand alone mind map means

Similar to Mindmaps in apps like ithoughts/ xmind
A mindmap created by us without having to add excerpts after importing pdfs. example by typing in blank node and arranging them


This would also fit with supporting Zettlekasten (search the forum, there have been a number of posts on this topic), or other note-taking systems.

Hello, Spd04. We currently support the creation of a new blank notebook with a node in it. If this doesn’t live up to your expectations, would you like to describe your use case?


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Simple brain storming
Instead of using excerpts.
For example When I study economics
Making subsections like social sector, financial market,theories and further classify them
After brainstorming I would like to create different studies for different topics
Then integrate these with the first mindmap
This first mindmap kind of acts like a to do list/ topics/table of contents for that subject
I could easily navigate through all my notes without using search and tag function
And a comprehensive knowledge database could be developed (best thing it’s structured as hell) without using any other mindmap app/third party software to organise all the stuff.
And allow to merge or edit all notes spread through different study books in a single place to consolidate that particular topic
As of now I export to Evernote and arrange there ,sometimes use ithoughts/omnioutliner
A standalone mindmapping workspace could integrate different documents, study books across different folders giving coherence to database,removing notes duplication and become a solid revision tool.

@Spd04, have you looked at the Zettlekasten system? What if MarginNote supported something like that?

I have.
There are some basic principles to implement
As of reading other popular threads on zettlekasten , I get a sense that developers are trying to incorporate this in marginnote.
It would be great feat and can make mn 3 even best app for study by far.
Possibly we can see some add on plugins in near future