【MN Official Add-on】May 7th, Beta1.0.1: Markdown, a powerful card editor supporting MD, Latex and more


Then there is no way as of right now.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

Latex unequal sign does not display correctly.


Wait for a new markdown plugin that is a lot better. I am still working on the final touches of translating it. It should be released today.

Kind Regards,
Support Team


It's here.


Kind Regards,
Support Team

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I am puzzled about mermaid abilities in this plugin – which I am using also in other applications. While the third party plugin myMarkdown handles this as I am expecting, e.g.
mermaid sequenceDiagram Alice ->> Bob: Hello Hermann, how are you?
this plugin uses own tokens like “seq” for this. So
(1) Am I missing something?
(2) What are the tokens for the other mermaid diagrams?
(3) Why use different syntax? This would require editing mermaid blocks to be used in this plugin.
Would really like to use this one, but this is an obstacle.

EDIT: Sorry, did not read all the postings above. So myMarkdown is a third-party replacement for this one??