MN3/ MN4 speech function

Hello, I have MN3 on mackbook pro 2015 for a few years but never used it. Now I am looking to use speech functionality to read a loud document, but mine is not reading pdf documents.

I could not find much posts on setting up speech functionality. I juggled around but could not make it happen. Are there any particular pdfs which speech recognizes or I am terribly missing something.

Also MN4 trial version does’nt seem to have text to speech functionality ??

Help and support would be highly appreciated

There was never pdf speech functionality in MN3, although there is a plugin for this in the Chinese forums that works great.

Same thing in MN4. Text to speech is available for mind map contents but not for pdfs themselves, except via the plugin.

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Thanks a million. would you mind sharing link for pdf plugin pls

You’re welcome.

Here’s the link:

To install it, uncertified extensions need to be allowed in the settings.