MN4 quit working 2 days after full upgrade

I upgraded from MN3 to MN4 a couple of days ago, and all was well. Today I modified one of my PDF file, and now MN4 acts like there was no full upgrade. It acts as if I just down loaded it and won’t let me restore purchase. Any help would be appreciated.


Back up your files after logging in to your Apple ID, then reinstall 3 and 4 and restore your purchase

Kind Regards,

Support Team

After reinstalling 3 and 4, how do I restore purchase? I click on it but nothing happens.

I backed up my files and re-installed everything a second time, and it now works. Thanks

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Now it’s only working in Basic mode. Any help for this?

What I have now is 2 days of working, 3 days not working at all 1 day working and now 2 days of only basic level functionality. Will a solution be available? Do you need more info from me? When can I expect a response?


Have you switched appleID after successful reinstallation? Is the current reinstallation invalid?

Kind Regards,

Support Team

I only have one Apple ID, so I don’t know about switching. And how do I tell if the installation is valid or invalid?


Determine whether it is pro status or whether the recovery purchase is valid

Kind Regards,

Support Team

In the latest version (4.0.7) it appears that MarginNote (desktop) is NOT visibly showing that I have the MAX version despite the fact that I have purchased it already (note I am NOT the original poster, just something I noticed when I went looking). Clicking “Restore Purchase” does nothing to change this. Note: the iPad version still shows that I have MAX unlocked.

I can use Assistive Excerpt, however, so MAX apparently is still working.