Using two fingers for scrolling or navigating the mind map is helpful and intuitive. It is common for apps to map two finger scroll to the right-click button of a mouse (e.g. Xmind). Sometimes they combine the right-click button with a key (cmd, ctl, alt, etc…).
Please add a feature to scroll using mouse movement, not simply the scroll wheel. This would greatly improve navigating the mind map.
Thank you for writing in. I have raised your request to our Development team. Please feel free to contact us again if you need any assistance and we will be happy to provide further help.
Yes, please add this. How else am I supposed to navigate the mind map horizontally? Honest question.
I instinctively tried every combination of “ctrl/option/cmd + right click/middle click/left click” to navigate the map.
I don’t understand how this product is usable without this feature. There’s not even an option to pan the screen. I guess I can just drag things to the edge of the screen?
Edit: One may drag a selection box to the edge of the screen to achieve the desired effect.
I like how does this. They offer two modes. One is for tablet or trackpad users that have no mouse wheel. The other is for users that prefer mice. They let you zoom the board with the mouse wheel and you can also press the mouse wheel and use it like a mouse cursor to pan the whiteboard in all directions. It’s easy to swap modes with the keyboard or using touch commands. Today, apps have to plan for having people using these methods and offer 100% of the commands in each mode. A user with a tablet doesn’t have a keyboard or hotkeys. A user with a touchpad might not have a mouse wheel. A user with a mousewheel and keyboard needs to be able to be able to switch between a selection mode and a navigation mode easily (type V and this is done). Check out how they do it. It’s elegant. They provide a free trial for their main site and also a free version anybody can use
Thanks for the tip about left/right using the mouse wheel + shift.
I still want to be able to drag the canvas with a hand tool so I can move diagonally. It would be more efficient.