Navigation button forward and backward

It would be great to have a forward and backward navigation button in the iOS app, which would go backwards and forwards in the visited document or mind map location. I move around my documents a lot, specially when clicking in notes that jumps to the document location (which I know I can disable). It is annoying having to manually go back to where I was to proceed my reading after I went back by clicking on some mind map notes to review the contents.

LiquidText has this feature in their app.



10000%^ agree with this=
UNDO button via keyboard
(Yes = I ALWAYS use Bluetooth keyboard)
ie not have to rush up to the screen to click icon

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Plz check this button:


Thanks. But it can only jump to previous location with a noticeable bias. What I want is to jump forward and backward accurately.


Are you talking about the two buttons at the bottom of the page?

Kind Regards,
Support Team

yes, I think the 2 buttons a the bottom of the page works in that way. But can I suggest adding ‘Forward’ and ‘Back’ under the View-Go menu to make it clear and add a hotkey for them?



Got it.

Kind Regards,
Support Team

And please make it possible to go back and forwards via a hotkey button on MacOS.

I would also recommend to practice this as a general design principle: Functionality should always also be accessible via hotkeys, since it’s just much more efficient than using the mouse.

In general, I think most MacOS users prefer to use hotkeys if they are available.