No hyperlinks in comments?

At the moment (3.7.18) I am not able to add a hyperlink to selected text in a comment inside a note in a mind map - except links to marginnote locations which works beautifully. Posted this elsewhere too.

  1. This is a very strange restriction.
  2. Writing full text links produces working links but is ugly and confusing.

As it is common practice to use more than one tool (even if MN is the central hub) and hyperlinks to such tools do work this restriction is a pity.



Hello, is it convenient to send the questions to us in the form of pictures or videos so as to help you better

Kind Regards,
Support Team

My posting includes a picture!? It shows clearly that there is no menu option to add a hyperlink which would be the only way to do this on an iPad. On Mac there would be a “right click” context menu and a menu bar, both not showing a hyperlink (“Cmd-K”) option.
I tried various ways to achieve this (seemingly) simple goal trying

  • Markdown plugin
  • CKEdit plugin

The link in “elsewhere” contains a video regarding these procedures. There the links can be attached to a word (the link title) but the link is NOT working – can not be clicked to get active.

I can insert a hyperlink into comment section which is even working (:+1: ) but only in it’s source form which can be very long and ugly.

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any update?