Notebook disappeared

A notebook in MarginNote disappeared. I can find the documents and notes via the “documents” interface. I see the name of the ‘lost’ notebook with the document.

What can and what should I do to recover the lost notebook?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.


You can import the original pdf, and then click the link icon to link the notes to the pdf document

Kind Regards,

Support Team

Thanks. How can I recover the notebook? Is that possible?


Do you mean that there are still pdf documents in the document interface that need to be retrieved from the brain map notebook, Recycle Bin or historical archives?

Kind Regards,

Support Team

Thanks. I think we are confused with terms. Let me try again, and here’s what’s going on:

  1. I created a notebook for related PDFs and documents) called STS. It would be a category (study), too, I thought I use as a notebook for related PDFs and documents) called STS. It is not available in the Categories Menu under Document. In fact, there are no categories in the Document window. There are no folders, but no folder for STS in the document window.
  2. I assign PDF documents I import into Study a category. I thought the category STS was available here, but that seems not be the case. I found the “missing” PDF and assigned it a different category in the Study window. I appears there now.

Still confused? I am. My understanding now is that Document: Categories are not notebooks and Study: Categories are different and unrelated. If that’s right, I’m expecting to get confused again. I wish there was a way to organise documents categories in both the Document, Study, and Review windows/modes and notebooks that can combine documents from different categories. Maybe Notebook can be added as window/mode? It would help manage documents (I have over 500 now in MarginNote) for use in different projects.

Thanks again,


Thank you for your suggestion, it’s true that for document management it doesn’t meet your needs, but your suggestion is received. Documents and Learning are managed in two different ways and their categories are not synchronised, they are more like tags. In a future version, external folders can be added, but your suggestion is great, so if you want, you can also record or take a screenshot to illustrate your suggestion, so I don’t misunderstand you!

Kind Regards,

Support Team

Good. I appreciate MarginNote for annotating and summarizing PDFs I read, annotate or manuscripts I review.
The kernel of my suggestion is to add a new window/mode called Notebook. This would be for managing documents and assigning, reviewing and editing tags for Document:Categories, Study:Categories and Review:Categories. In that way, a notebook becomes a user-defined collection of materials including tags for user-defined purposes.
Since I don’t use MarginNote for studying or reviewing, I cannot say for sure, but I think many of its users work with all the modes of MarginNote.


Thank you for your advice

Kind Regards,

Support Team