Notebook url handler works it MarginNote is running

I use notebook URLs in my task manager so that I can easily get to a notebook on either my Mac or iPad. On the iPad this works great, but on the Mac it only works if MarginNote is already running. If I click on the URL and MarginNote is not already running, then MarginNote will run and open the last document I was working on, but not the one notebook associated to the URL. If I then click on the link again, MarginNote will open a new window to the notebook I wanted.

Here is one of the notebook URLs I tested with.


I could just put MarginNote in my startup items as a workaround, but I really don’t use the Mac version daily to justify running it all the time.


Thank you for your suggestion.

I believe this could be due to a different level of underlying architecture between MacOS and iOS, our team will be working on it - but it could not be a very high-priority thing (and we have a lot of work to do at this moment) so it could take some time to happen. Sorry about the inconvenience.

Kind Regards,
Support Team