Notes sometimes contain the text duplicated as an image with its color, how to remove it automatically?


Notes sometimes contain the text duplicated as an image with its highlight/background color, but can’t get when it is the case. I had these notes from a document I edited some time ago:

Now when I create notes, they don’t have them: (see the below extract from same document in different mindmap:

Why is this so? How can I delete them in batch from the first case? And how could I add them to the second ? I could adapt to both systems (preferring the first) but would like to have a coherent one…

Ok, realized that the ones including the highlight as an image are highlights taken before in standard pdf readers.
Price for me. Still (changing the subject/tittle of this post) there isn’t any way to remove that image automatically, is there?


Theoretically, notes only contain images when you use the rect excerpt tool. Try use the hand tool to or the text excerpt to directly select the text.


Kind Regards,
Support Team

Hi again Sushi. Those images are shown when I read a pdf with embedding highlights that had been taken in another pdf reader (Skim in my case). So the annotations with the images are already there and the ones I take on MarginNote are fine; I just wanted to remove those images from the imported embedded highlights in batch…

Thanks anyway and best,


Hi! I don't think we have this option for now. I will check with the developers with this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind Regards,
Support Team