Notes w/o a Document

Is it possible to take class lecture notes in MarginNote? Is there a way to take notes without a document?

Not sure if that’s possible but you could try importing a blank PDF.

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  1. Create new Notebook:
  2. Don’t import any documents; click on the X:
  3. Create a “mother node” by clicking on the +:
  4. You can’t add anything on the same level in the hierarchy, only as “children”:
  5. If you don’t want that you can create a group from it:

Yes, blank mindmap notebook is supported since 3.0 Last year. In mindmap , outline is editable and could make comments containing notes from Pencil,Keyboard, MIC recorder.

And now, even more since 3.4.1,you can import a single page PDF from any other app like print API of Apple or photos.And add blank pages to note in MN.