there are some improvements and updates in Obsidian after its talked in here
wonder these and I also want to talk about the Title Link speciality of MN and How Obsidian people are in here using that.
And How could MN could be used with Obsidian perspective ?
What is the diffierence between Obsidian and MN links ?
What are the needs of MN to become all in one Note taking apps ?
and anyone who wants to talk about this subject
@happycatmachine thanks for your comment. I personally love all in one thing but İ also give credit your thingin. i see the potential grow of MN and so many ways to improvement potentially with just little changes. With little changes the users from various purposes can use this app in satisfaction.
Obsidian thing is getting more closer role note taking and note making with canvas feature. But it still lacks taking excrept from pdf s directly opposite to MN. And that is big seperation still. I want to MN stay in king position without letting own users to go because just for simple features presented by other apps such us title excrept in full function, more link speciality, mouse customizations or mind map upgrades…