Please implement importing bookmark(table of contents) from a PDF file ASAP!

This is an absolute must-feature in Marginnote because you never want to start the mindmapping from scratch. You need an initial table of content mind map to start adding your own excerpts and notes.

Seems to me that this crucial feature is missing. I know devs are super busy and they are focusing on making the app stable by fixing numerous bugs. They are probably coding night after night drinking Redbulls, but you NEED to prioritize this feature because this is the first thing a user does after importing a PDF!

You can’t start doing anything meaningful without a table of content mindmap.

I will start using MN4 in the most basic way - highlighting the text and leaving notes in expanded note (which is by the way a great improvement from the previous version)

But I really need “import from bookmark” feature ASAP.

Marginnote 4 is truly an “upgrade” with numerous new features and stronger learning experiences but to do that, you need to build upon all the basic features MN3 used to have. You can’t call it an upgrade without inheriting core features of the previous generation.

Well, converting a TOC to mind map is already available.
Not sure what you are asking for - converting bookmarks to mind map, too?

Just to augment @Danbun’s explanation, here is a screenshot of where this is found:

Some features have changed locations from where they used to be.

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Jesus Christ thank you. Lack of MN4 wiki is concerning.

Yes, we need a good manual!
I’m struggling with Assistive Excerpt (no clue yet what it is and how it works, which is mind of funny), but will try further…

Assistive Excerpt is fine of for those who have graphic intensive excerpts to make, but if you use it to do text, well, it captures bitmaps of the text. You can convert it but it still stores a bitmap, rendering the tool almost useless for those who are interested in text only and are conscientious of using too much iCloud space.

Don’t want to capture this thread… But got ass. excerpt working now, but not with all documents. And OCR fix afterwards is really bad for my language.


Can you please explain your needs and usage scenarios with screenshots? This is more conducive to our understanding of your needs! Thank you!

Kind Regards,

Support Team

Hi support team, thanks for asking.
The screenshot attached is the typical usage reading a textbook when I was using MN3.
You first import all the table of content and start reading a book, take excerpts whenever you think it’s important, and later conduct a mindmap.